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January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a nice & relaxing Holiday time. My husband and I wend back to my parents' house on New Year's Eve and spent two nights there. I would say Japanese New Year Eve is more like Thanksgiving in the U.S. - lot of food and family time.

I came up with some New Year's resolution for year 2011:
Image via weheartit
1. Bake more.
Since my husband and I moved into a place of our own in August last year, we have had more chance to have friends over. I rarely bake for two of ourselves (we both try to cut down on some sugar:p ), but I love baking for other people, and want to be better at it.

image via weheartit
2. Learn to surf.
I surfed for the first time in Bali last year, and I absolutely loved it. Now we moved closer to the beaches (30 min away, as opposed to 1.5 hour away before we moved), I can't wait to start surfing once I give birth.

image via weheartit
3. Continue sewing, and don't waste scraps.
Being a mom and wife, working full time and keeping up with my etsy shop could be a lot, but I would love to continue sewing and crafting. Last year I learned I do better when I'm busy than not busy, and giving myself a small project helps me stay focused. I have some projects that I would like to share here soon!
Also I decided to use scrap fabrics from clothes making more wisely - as you can see in these fabric coasters!
image via weheartit
4. Learn to use camera
I have a nice camera - Nikon DSLR, but I still haven't figured out how I can use it well. So that's one of my 2011 New Year resolutions!

What are your resolutions this year?


Erin Cathleen said...

Happy New Year, and best of luck with your resolutions! I hope you get to fulfill every one. :)

family lawyers Toronto said...

I want to learn to use photo camera (Canon 500D) and do surfing in this year