August 13, 2010

Maxi dress for myself

I wrote a while ago that I hadn't made anything for my self for a long time since I've been busy keeping up with my etsy shop? I had a chance to make myself a maxi dress for summer, and I love it! I've already worn it a bunch of time.

I got this floral print fabric from Philly, when I went there in April. I got this from my favorite fabric shop, called Gaffney. It was pretty cheap, I don't remember how much exactly, but love how the fabric feels - It is soft, and don't stick to your body. Since here is very humid in Summer, the fabric worked out well for me.

I also made a skirt with the same fabric, which was posted here.


  1. it's really pretty. i love maxi dresses for the summer :D

  2. Beautiful & lovely dress


  3. Very pretty! That looks gorgeous on you. :)I loooove maxi dresses!


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