July 27, 2010

Sophie's version of cut out dress

Check out Sophie's version of cut out dress over at her blog, Iro Iro (Here is her post on Burdastyle)! I'm thrilled many girls are trying their versions of cut out dresses, You can see Petite Republic's version here and here, Becky's version here, and storres56's version here.

As Sophie mentioned in her blog post, Danielle pattern which I based this cut out dress off of, requires a LOT of adjustment. If you make a default Danielle dress, you will notice that the dress is pretty loosely fit. I took in a lot on the side, shorten the straps in the front and change the front bust darts a bit to make it fitted to the bodice. Just an FYI for anyone who might be interested in using the pattern..
Besides a little issue with the fit of the dress, I do love Danielle pattern, and used it numerous times with different alterations. I totally recommend it especially the pattern is free!


  1. Wow thanks so much for featuring my dress! I am so happy :)
    I agree with all those adjustments, but I was so silly and forgot to record all the adjustments I made, so if I make it again I will have to do them all over again. Argh!

  2. and i thought i was the only one who was awkwardly built because Danielle was loose on me! haha.. may i ask how did you alter the bust pleats? because that's one area that i'm baffled with, because i always think the bust pleats don't fall nicely on me :-(

  3. i didn't alter the bust pleats, but took in the side and center fold line!


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