September 7, 2009

ruffle vest variation

Does this dress look complicated to sew? Not at all! It literally took me 30 minutes to finish this. I forgot to document it this time, but next time I will make this dress, I will make sure to take a step by step photos and post a how-to here.

I used the hot pink fabric I bought on last Saturday. I was so excited when I came up with the idea for this dress while I was riding bike to bank this morning, I could not stand it. Right after I got home, I immediately started sewing this. This dress is a variation of the ruffle vest I made the other day. Base is the same - big rectangle and a hall in the middle. This time, I lengthen the rectangle so it's wearable as a dress. Then I sew the front, and added a sash in the back. That's it! Simple, right? The tie can be tied in the back as well.


  1. What a lovely, dress, cut and color. :)

    You asked about my workout regime? Yoga, jogging, and tennis. :) Lots of water drinking too. ;) THANKS!


  2. thank you kaitlyn!

    hi erika, thanks for your workout tips! you must work out a lot.. i wish i could be slender like you! love your blog!

    hi luna, thank you thank you! its super easy! ill do a how-to soon.


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