April 16, 2011

Scrap heap project: Completed 1

So I finished three dresses using my scraps - as you can see, these are not really scraps at all, since the fabrics were big enough for me to make dresses for an adult:p Sorry the design of the dresses are nothing new, but I wanted to make something easy and fun to sew for the time being. More new designs are coming up soon...:)

I love the white flower buttons I used for Project 1 and 2. I found them on etsy, a shop named "Forsythe Company Store".  The shop has a good selection of vintage buttons and other cute stuff, and I found the prices to be very reasonable.

I listed these items for sale on my etsy shop - and for my lovely blog readers, I set up a coupon code "SCRAPHEAP" for 20% off of all items listed in my shop:) The deal will last until I finish the scrap heap project!


  1. adorable!! :) loving your scrapheap projects! xx

  2. Bellissimi!!! sei veramente tanto brava!!!
    i love this projects!!
    look my blog..http://noxcreare.blogspot.com/

  3. Can you tell me what pattern you used?


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