January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a nice & relaxing Holiday time. My husband and I wend back to my parents' house on New Year's Eve and spent two nights there. I would say Japanese New Year Eve is more like Thanksgiving in the U.S. - lot of food and family time.

I came up with some New Year's resolution for year 2011:
Image via weheartit
1. Bake more.
Since my husband and I moved into a place of our own in August last year, we have had more chance to have friends over. I rarely bake for two of ourselves (we both try to cut down on some sugar:p ), but I love baking for other people, and want to be better at it.

image via weheartit
2. Learn to surf.
I surfed for the first time in Bali last year, and I absolutely loved it. Now we moved closer to the beaches (30 min away, as opposed to 1.5 hour away before we moved), I can't wait to start surfing once I give birth.

image via weheartit
3. Continue sewing, and don't waste scraps.
Being a mom and wife, working full time and keeping up with my etsy shop could be a lot, but I would love to continue sewing and crafting. Last year I learned I do better when I'm busy than not busy, and giving myself a small project helps me stay focused. I have some projects that I would like to share here soon!
Also I decided to use scrap fabrics from clothes making more wisely - as you can see in these fabric coasters!
image via weheartit
4. Learn to use camera
I have a nice camera - Nikon DSLR, but I still haven't figured out how I can use it well. So that's one of my 2011 New Year resolutions!

What are your resolutions this year?


  1. Happy New Year, and best of luck with your resolutions! I hope you get to fulfill every one. :)

  2. strangely)
    I want to learn to use photo camera (Canon 500D) and do surfing in this year


Thank you for your comment! :)