November 16, 2010

18 weeks

yay 18 weeks! and right now, I'm in Philly. I flew in to NY last week, spent a couple of days with family in North Jersey, then came down to Philadelphia on Friday night.

To be honest, the plane ride this time was pretty tough on me. I got sick, with terrible runny nose and rash on my entire body from the dry air of the plane. I feel much better now, but my eyes are still red from exhaustion. I had a bad jet-lag, which I still haven't overcome.. you see, I used to force-fix the jet-lag with NyQuil and wine, but obviously, I couldn't use my secret tactic this time. (sigh).

I had a chance to go back to my favorite vintage & thrift shops and fabric shop in German town with Naoko. There, I found this adorable baby sweater and hat set and I just had to take them home with me. I love the white elephant on the sweater, and I think this baby blue works for both boy and girl. As I mentioned before, I'm not very good at knitting and crocheting, but I hope to be able to make some cute knitted goods for the baby this winter.

When I met with the family, they gave me some goodies for the baby - lovely handmade afghan, baby blanket etc. Along with those goodies, they also gave me this book "making children mind without loosing yours" by Kevin Leman. The book was given to my mother-in-law from my grandparents-in-law, and she graciously passed the book down to me.
Also, thank you for the recommendations for pregnancy blogs! I added them to the "Favorite Links" on the right hand side bar, under "pregnancy". I love Hana's blog, she is 23 weeks pregnant now. It's so fun to see the process of someone who is in the same stage of pregnancy!


  1. Thanks for linking :)
    That sweater and hat set is so cute! It's so hard to resist buying baby clothes LOL, even harder if you find out the gender!

  2. How exciting! Sorry you plane trip went badly. Hopefully the way back will be easier <3

  3. Fun sweater! Flying (and getting sick) while pregnant is awful. My OB said it's okay to take dramamine, which helped me.


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