October 6, 2010

Guest Blogger: The Cupcake Goddess

Red-headed. Licensed to kill, I mean sew. Plays regularly with sharp objects, you know like needles and dressmaking shears. Plays flute sometimes. Has a very strong fascination with fabric. Married, to her sewing machine, I mean boyfriend....uh husband, I mean. Simple secretary by day, crazy stitcher by night. Stuck in a vintage Harlequin romance novel.

Code Name: The Cupcake Goddess

I love to sew. I've sewn for a very good portion of my life, fiddling around with it when I was a teenager and now I've grown into a very serious stitcher. Mostly self taught. Mostly a garment stitcher. My parents and grandparents instilled within me the idea of being self-reliant in life. Self-reliant in the sense that you own your own style, you can make your own way in life and live by your own hand. In a world that is so driven by consuming, it's a wonderful feeling to get up in the morning and know that I can give a little of my input by creating. And that is, quite possibly, my most favorite thing about sewing. The creation of a garment. Doesn't it feel like so much more though? It feels like you've nurtured a talent that you didn't realize you had, that you've given yourself a sweet gift and every time you wear your garment you remember that your hands made this and that you learned something new with each new stitch.

I'm inspired by this idea every time I start looking for a new sewing project. I get that wonderful feeling of treading on new territory, paving new roads, challenging myself with something new. What inspires you to sew? Do you like to challenge yourself with something new every time you pick up the needle and thread?

I'm surprised by how much one can learn about themselves and their personal tastes from sewing and by how vast the art of sewing really is. I haven't always known what I liked and disliked when it came to clothes and sewing them. I've learned the hard way that sometimes crazy prints only create a chaotic and "homemade" look and that it's OK if I need something basic, like a navy blue tailored jacket, which is on my docket next. I've learned that real beauty in a garment shows itself through the construction and finishing details rather than just by the fabric choice. And there are so many techniques out there that can really give life to a garment and that mastering them comes only with time, patience and more patience.

So, what are you sewing up next? Why do you like to sew? When did you learn to sew? I love hearing about sewing adventures and I love hearing about what others are inspired by. I recently posted a quote on my blog that sums it all up, well at least for me:

Just around the corner in every woman's mind - is a lovely dress, a wonderful suit, or entire costume which will make an enchanting new creature of her. ~Wilhela Cushman


Sunni ~ The Cupcake Goddess


  1. that green dress is gorgeous! she is so talented!


  2. I sew for passion. I'm a beginner who is taking classes but I've always wanted to know how to sew and now that I'm learning I'm super excited.

    Mainly it's the idea of things fitting my body perfectly and having fabric choices that aren't available in stores.

  3. hi girl adventure,
    i think it is great that we can make clothes that perfectly fits our own bodies.. only sewers can do! i hope you have great time at sewing classes!!


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