September 2, 2010

Inspiration: lewis SS10

Images from lewis

I first came across with lewis AW2010 via clever nettle blog. But after visiting lewis website, I like their SS10 line much better than AW. Look at those interesting backs!
I'm such a sucker for intricate back details. See more of their collection here.


  1. cute.. love the navy blue one...


  2. I love open back dresses like you :) These are nice. I am currently working on my owm Liberty version of the open-back dress...

  3. <charlotteauzou oh i love liberty! can't wait to see your open back dress!

  4. Hi, I made a dress similar to the the navy blue dress and I would like you to take a look and give me some comments if you can spare the time. I didn't actually see this before I sewed my dress. *sigh.. so it's not that original after all! Please see the dress at my blog :


Thank you for your comment! :)