January 21, 2010

Hair inspiration

I've been dying to change my hair style for a while - I'm prohibited to make bangs because my husband hates bangs, but I'm thinking maybe to highlight my hair a bit.
The inspiration comes from Natalie Off Duty, and I just think her hair looks perfect!
Photo from Natalie Off Duty


  1. Her hair is beautiful....as is that dress!!

    Could you start off with some side bangs (possibly longer in length. Then they wouldn't be as obvious to your hubby, but would be versatile enough to "be" bangs. Highlights sound wonderful...I wish I had the money to maintain them, but at the moment am stuck with my chocolate locks.

    Show us how it turns out!

    Ali x

  2. hey ali! hehe that's a good idea, you are so funny!

    maintenance is the biggest issue in dying & hightlighting hair for me - it costs so much money!

  3. I would go for the bangs! It's such an easy (and inexpensive) way to update your look, without doing anything too drastic. I recently got my hair cut and highlighted, and I will be paying for it for a long, long time. :( (But it was worth it!)


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