December 6, 2009

leopard + floral

On the way home from Chigasaki weekend trip, I stopped by at Nippori fabric row for some fabrics to make clothes for the Tokyo Made Market. I had fabrics I wanted in mind, but I got upset because I could not find the ones I envisioned... All the sketches I did before the shopping became nothing, and I had to re-consider what I was going to make. I initially planned to get pale pink and light gray, and one floral fabric, but it was very hard to find perfect pale pink in perfect texture, and thickness. I ended up drawn to this fabric in the middle, in salmon pink color, and picked the rest of the fabrics based on it. This salmon pink jersey has the softest feel, and I knew this fabric would not stretch out and look ugly after a couple of wash. and I love this floral leopard fabric I found! I usually don't like leopard (I think leopard usually looks too slutty for my liking) but the pastel pink and floral balance it out, I think. The right fabric is thick knit, with a bit of a stretch and it kind of looks beige but has a hint of pink.

After the shopping, I realized I work much better with designs once I have the fabrics I like, instead of trying to find a perfect fabric for the design already exist. Picking one fabric that I like and getting two or three more in same or contrasting color pallet, and then deciding on designs work better for me.

My goal is to make 9 pieces of clothes in two weeks. I pre-washed the fabrics, and already made two pieces! Photos coming soon... :)


  1. You're so ambitious!! I can't wait to see your new creation! xoxoxo

  2. Love leopard + floral together!!

  3. Oh they look fabulous! Can't wait to see them in the market ^.^

  4. fashion cappuccino, im trying! more photos coming:)

    hi novita, me too!

  5. I love the little writeup about you! I wish I could be there so bad! I miss you so muches!


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