November 25, 2009

Style inspiration: church & state

All images are from church & state.

"If church & state were a day of the week, it would be Sunday. if it were a baked good, it would be a homemade pie if it were a liquor, it would be bourbon and if church & state were a friend, it would be the best one" - quote from church & state

It looks so refreshing to see dresses in color other than black and gray in the winter. I had this thing in mind that I am not allowed to wear pastel color in gloomy weather, but after looking at their fall 2009 collection, I'm convinced that's wrong.


  1. It is! Church & State make the most be-a-u-tiful things...and they hail out of Portland, where I currently live! (I used to live in it's definitely different!) I LOVE your blog - you are so creative!

    Check out my blog for DIY sewing/crafting tutorials if you have a moment!:-)

  2. Yes, Me too...I love your blog! God bless you Chie. :)

  3. hi carly!

    thanks for stopping by:) its so cool that you used to love in tokyo! ill def check out your blog!

    hi james,
    thanks! god bless u and happy thanksgiving to you too!


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