September 3, 2009

Black jersey ruffle vest

New creation! Doesn't this look like the vest I borrowed from my sister the other day? The difference is that it has an open back. I like this way better.. what do you think?

I added this to my etsy shop today.

Outfit detail: Tank indio (japanese cheap brand), skirt handmade, belt my sister's, sandals bandolino.
I'm wearing this polka dot skirt here and here also.

Do you wanna know how I made this vest?

rectangle and a small hole in the middle :p
credit: Wonderfulhm.


  1. That's great! I like it very much and it looks like the one you borrowed from your sister the other day...

  2. wow! so cool! love it and that polka dotted skirt!

  3. awesome!
    I like how simple, yet drape so nicely on the body. I might have to try making one :)

  4. Cute! The front looks like the cardigan I'm making without sleeves. :)

  5. hi k:io, i know! it does. my sisters' has the back, but that would be the only one difference, pretty much!

    hi anna, thank you for the compliment:)

    hi luna, yea, you definitely should! let me know if you have any questions!

    nglalala, i sew the cardigan in your blog! the drapiness look pretty similar to that!

  6. OMG! Seung and I laughed out loud when we saw it was a rectangle with a hole! But it really does drpae very nicely!!! xo

  7. omfg that is soo cute :]]

    It looks just like ur sisterss

    Imma try to make one

    How big is the rectangle though

    and how big did you make the hole


  8. hi mer3kat, i forgot how big it was... i think it is 60cm in length, but width, not sure. should be long enough to wrap you around so it will drape nicely. i made a hole 13cm from the top, not sure how big it is, it should be big enough that your shoulders go through. i recommend adjusting it as you try it on. hope this helps!

  9. Really liked this one too! I'm gonna try one tomorrow if I find the time! =) It's an elastic fabric right?

  10. so clever! I´ve just found your site and really like it.


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