August 31, 2009

working from home..

I arrived in Japan last Tuesday, and I started working two days after. The only difference from Philly is that I'm working from home now. It feels very strange working from home. It is so easy to get up and start working in pajamas and glasses (I'm legally blind) without even brushing my teeth (gross). So I decided to make it a rule that I change to regular clothes and put make-up on when I work, just as I would do if I commute to office.

As a proof, here.. I'm not wearing pajamas!
This is from last Thursday. We'll see how long it will last..

Gingham halter top: H&M
Skirt: handmade by me
Belt: Gap
Pumps: Zara, borrowed from my sister

I was inspired by pattern-mixing from here and here.


  1. i know how easy it is to stay in pj's with no make-up on... but it is awesome that you don't have to rush out of the house in the morning!

  2. i know, i am tempted to do that everyday!
    yes, it is really nice not to have to commute or rush out in the morning!

  3. Good day, sun shines!
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Thank you for your comment! :)