April 23, 2009

my 50th etsy sale!

yay! i just had a 50th sale on my esty shop. im happy:)
when i started my shop last june, it took me a month for the first sale, and then i had a second sale in the same week, but then i had no sale for two months. i was making stuff for people outside of etsy, but i was so discouraged by the fact that i didnt do well online and kept on whining about it to andy. 
after that, he suggested that i renew or post new things everyday, at least three times. and the sales came in! he was so right, because who even considers buying your stuff if they dont see it? 
anyways, this pineapple dress was the 50th one

i just uploaded this camisole. i made this out of a pillowcase i found at circle thrift last saturday.  back is shirred. i love shirring stuff to avoid zippers. its more fitting and comfortable, i think. 

1 comment:

  1. you made this: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_yeEJVgWD79s/Se-hL0OUF4I/AAAAAAAAAvY/-L1ttoiXFsA/s1600-h/IMG_0710.jpg out f a pillowcase??? Wow... why can't I think of things like that? =) it looks so cute! But what exactly do one mean when you say that "the back is shirred"? Tied?



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